Wood Briquettes



Wood Briquettes are a fuel source made out of dried, compacted wood. They are made from wood waste or byproducts and machine-compressed into a log or block shape, generally without added ingredients, though they can have added materials like peat or bracken.

Briquettes consistently outperform cord wood in burn time and generated heat. With moisture levels averaging less than 10%, wood cause less build up in the chimney and flue than cord wood. Wood also provide a cleaner burn than coal or wood.

WB are manufactured logs made up of compressed wood products and make a great alternative to traditional firewood logs. They are ideal if you have a wood burning stove and are looking for an efficient and effective form of fuel. They also have the added bonus of being very easy to store.
The best quality briquettes are made from 100% wood, which is free from contaminants like glue or paint.

Wood briquettes are a great alternative to traditional home fire fuels like coal and natural firewood. They are essentially manufactured as dense and compact logs and are made out of compressed wood by-products. That compact shape makes them easy to store and ideal for use on both outdoor and indoor fires, as well as in wood burners, which are becoming an ever more popular feature in living rooms across the country where the owner is looking to create a rustic or country-style decor.

Product name : Wood Briquettes
Application: Heating System
Density: 350 m3 / cm2
Diameter: 90
Shape: Briquette
Length: 200
Calory (J): 4700
Moisture (%): 7%
Ash Content (%): 1

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