Arabica Coffee Beans



Arabica Coffee Beans is a type of coffee made from the beans of the Coffea arabica plant.

The appearance of Arabica beans is also significant. They are long and have a curved shape with a ribbed surface. When roasted, they tend to produce a glossy appearance and a complex aroma.

Arabica Coffee are often more expensive than other coffee varieties, due to their higher quality and the time-consuming process required to grow and harvest them. For instance, these beans have a lower yield per hectare, and the plants are more susceptible to disease and pests. Some farmers opt to grow a combination of Arabica and robusta beans to increase their yield and improve the overall quality of their coffee.

One of the key characteristics of Arabica coffee is their flavor profile. They typically produce a milder, smoother, and more complex taste than other coffee varieties like robusta. Arabica coffee have a low level of acidity, which makes them easy on the palate. They also contain lower levels of caffeine, which means they often have less of a jittery effect than other coffee varieties.

Product name: Arabica Coffee Beans
Processing Type: Green
Grade: A
Types: Roasted, Raw
Alcoholic Content: No
Moisture: 12.5% max
Admixture :0.5% max
Taste: Excellent
Imperfect: 3% max
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Weight (kg): 60
Additional Ingredient: 4%
Package: 25/50kg p.p bags or Buyers preferred method of packing

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